Cosmopolis is cerebral and uncomfortable, but it’s only bound to become more pertinent.
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Cosmopolis is cerebral and uncomfortable, but it’s only bound to become more pertinent.
Black Mountain lives up to Laird Barron’s quality standards. It almost doesn’t, but it gets there.
What the fuck happened, Carol? This alarmingly titled novel is a breath of fresh air in an essentially dead genre, penned by Mr. Bird Box himself Josh Malerman.
The Jay Porter novels are all about psychological complexity and realism. Rag and Bone doesn’t disappoint.
Original. Somewhat daring. A little heavy and clunky on the narrative side, though.
Over 25 years after its publication. It’s weird to read a novel that was so very right about the future.
A grueling, hyperviolent sequel to the grueling and hyperviolent Power of the Dog.
Don’t be alarmed. Scudder is not doing a John McClane. This is more of an understated bow as he’s walking into the sunset.
Eryk Pruitt was already a standout storyteller, but turning into a masterful writer over time.