A movie about how it’s OK for your employer not to give a shit about you.
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A movie about how it’s OK for your employer not to give a shit about you.
The logical extension of the most beloved animated show ever (it’s really good).
Weird and haunting. Would lack an emotional punch if isolation wasn’t such a hot button issue right now.
This documentary is a love letter to Lil Peep, a vindication of SoundCloud rap and much more.
Tim Burton’s Batman is what your dad would’ve imagined Batman to be in 1989. It’s SO off the mark that it manages to convey interesting ideas anyway.
Smart, well-told and full of surprises. It’s indeed a class warfare movie, but it’s not preachy at all.
Don’t kid yourself. You want to watch the Fred Durst movie…. and it’s kind of worth sitting through, too.