What are you looking for, homie?

Chuck Palahniuk Interview Bundle

This guy is a riot. A lot of people (including me) are reading his novels, but hearing the guy talk is another ball game. He's a very smooth talker and a gifted storyteller without having to resort to fiction. In those two interviews he's talking about the inspiration for Fight Club, other novels (Choke, Tell-All) and his fights with language and technology.

He's an interesting hybrid in between the man of letters and the over-enthusiastic teenager. I'm not crazy-in-love with all his novels, but the man achieved success and remained true to himself. Have to admire that. Probably my last post of the month since I'm leaving for Ottawa in a few hours. See you in November!

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Book Review : David Foster Wallace - Consider The Lobster And Other Essays (2005)

Interview with Adam Purple