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Top 10 Favorite Places To Read

Finally, a top ten I don't need my book shelf for. Today on The Broke & The Bookish's Top Ten Tuesdays...

Top 10 Favorite Places To Read.

1. On The Couch: We have a modular couch (those who come in two pieces and do a L). Around 10 PM on a Friday, when the television is closed and the darkness outside gives the light an orange-ish glow, with Scarlett sleeping beside me, it's a perfect little moment.

2. In The Gym Atrium: It's one of the most relaxing place I know. The chairs aren't the most comfortable, but there's a surreal quiet to this place. You can even tune out the casual talk around you. Whenever I can arrive early, I read a chapter or two over there.

3. In Bed: Love to read in bed with Josie. It's the place where I can focus the best. Only thing that keeps me from putting it at number one is that I always shuffle for a comfortable position here.

4. Laurier Park: At a picnic table, under the summer sun, it's always a good time. A lot of distractions, but it's great nonetheless.

5. In a subway train corner seat: Reading in the subway sucks, but if you can get a corner seat it's awesome. You can spread and and be at ease. I frequently make thirty minutes rides to the gym and reading is a great way to make it go fast.

6. At A Cafe: Point and laugh if you want, there's a great intellectual vibe to cafes. Starbucks in Buenos Aires was awesome for reading with their leather couches, but my favorite cafe for reading is called Second Cup. Not sure if you have them in the U.S.

7. The Bus: Not the city bus or the school bus, but the traveling bus. I like to read during long distance trips. It tunes the problematic proximity to strangers out and creates a bubble. I could do without the butt smells, but if the book is good enough, I can tune that out too.

8. The Plane: Refer to No. 7. I'm looking forward to reading on a train also.

9. Waiting Rooms: They suck, but they are a wonderful opportunity for a massive reading binge, so I have learned to like them somewhat.

10. My office chair: I don't do it that often and I get distracted all the time, but it beats reading when standing up in a packed subway wagon.

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