Yesterday, Henry Rollins turned fifty years old (Happy birthday man!). I also had an email from the project leader for Happy 50th Henry! project. The project took form and I was sent a copy of the 78 pages anthology. It is not published yet, but it was sent to Henry and it seems to be heading somewhere. My piece, Over The Wall (yes, that I have previously published here) occupies pages 28 to 31.
It's the first time I get something even remotely artistic published. Seeing what I wrote after nearly a year is something else. I have grown so much as a writer during those few months, that I have the impression I tried way too hard when I wrote my piece. It's OK though. I'm not ashamed to have swung too hard for a Henry Rollins piece. I would have been if my swing would've been to weak. I will keep you updated on the state of this project, but I am hopeful that the whole anthology will be made available to the public soon.