What are you looking for, homie?

A Writing Update About The Lost Children Anthology and Other Things

Like they haven't done enough yet, Thomas Pluck, Ron Earl Phillips and Fiona Johnson and carrying THE LOST CHILDREN: A CHARITY ANTHOLOGY a step further. The writing contest that became an eBook anthology is now a trade paperback and is available for a low as 9,99$

You can order it from two places.


If you buy from Createspace, there are more royalties and needless to say, the profits from this anthology all go to PROTECT and CHILDREN 1st of Scotland to help children in need. So you get a hundred an thirty eight pages of great fiction for a good price AND you're doing a good action.

If you don't want to shed ten dollars for it, you can always buy the electronic version on iTunes, Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Smashwords.


I have been invited by Nigel Bird to participate to his famous series of self-interviews called DANCING WITH MYSELF. I was very happy to do so, because it's kind of a rite of passage for crime writers. Means you've got something to promote. Check it out, leave a comment. Check out's Nigel's stories on Kindle also. They're really cool.

Off The Record has officially hit the (virtual) shelves

My Dark Pages - Dan O'Shea