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Best Reads of 2014

You've been asking for it, here it is: my top 10 favourite reads of 2014...minus the very best, which I'm keeping for December 30th. The following books have literally hovered above the competition this year. They swept me off my feet and transported me somewhere far away from my life for a couple hundred pages. About half of them were published this year, so I'd call 2014 a great year for genre fiction. Rejoice and read away, folks. Recommend to your friends and look like you're the one in the know for once!

In chronological order of publication:

For its unpredictable nature and its perfect blend of genres. An inimitable novel from an inimitable author.

For the potency of its narrative voice and the pertinence of its sense of place. Shaw's writing style is so economical, everything matters. Every word carry its own weight.

Not only for being original, but also for making old people badass again and for aging a badass like a fine wine. Friedman surfs the line with great dexterity, but his novel never gets cliché or gimmicky.

For building a crime novel out of the shards of his characters' lives and writing with both style and purpose. A graceful and seamless novel.

For having the intellectual courage that everybody seems to lack in the age of social media and for Klosterman's absolutely endearing way of discussing the most difficult issues.

For giving the sequel back its nobility and for being the most poised and clever crime novel I've read in 2014.

For being a rare novel with fangs and claws that turns the tropes of the thriller against the readers, forcing them to reevaluate everything they know about the purpose of literature.

For drawing some of the liveliest, most subtly shaded characters, who remain mysterious and daring even in the most dramatic and desperate time of their lives.

For illustrating how complex and involving is the social economy of small towns and how problematic it can become when things go south. A very visual and a surprisingly emotional novel.

For its heartbreaking, Hemingwayesque cool on an emotional issue and for its honest and accurate look into the heart of men. 

Only one more. What novel was my favourite of 2014? Tune in on December 30th to find out. In the meantime, you have a lot of AWESOME reading to catch up on.

My Favourite Read of 2014

Notable Reads of 2014