What are you looking for, homie?

The March Madness of Broken River Books (is underway).

Technically, so is the other March Madness. But that's beside the point. An independent publisher is doing something special, you're always looking for good books and annoying your reader-friends for suggestions, so you gotta listen to this. I'll be quick: Broken River Books have twelve new novels out, several under their two new imprints Ladybox and King Shot Press. I always own five of these titles, and have reviewed one, so what are you waiting for? Here they are all in one place, a click away from being delivered to your house.

Broken River Books


King Shot Press

Now, go shop for books!

*** As you'll notice, Amazon doesn't like the boobs on the cover.

Movie Review : Safe House (2012)

Movie Review : Angel Heart (1987)