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Best Reads of 2017

Best Reads of 2017

Here we are. 2017 is almost behind us and it's now time for me to name my top 10 favorite reads of the year. Many were surprised about my almost-best reads of the year, expecting a couple of these books to be on the list you're about to read, but I'm quite confident in my winners. In perspective, these books were the 10 most intense, long-lasting reading experience I had all year.

So, take notes. Hit Amazon. Order them for Christmas, either for you or for the crazy reader in your life that you've picked for Secret Santa, because there are the best of the best out of the 103 books I've read in 2017.

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Scalped, Vol.1 : Indian Country, by Jason Aaron & R.M Guéra *

For the nuance and the complexity featured in such an unforgiving format, and being the distilled essence of great hardboiled storytelling.

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Out on the Cutting Edge, by Lawrence Block

For weaving a rich and powerful universe around the clichés of detective novels that make Matthew Scudder both feel unique and heartwarmingly familiar.

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Give Up the Dead, by Joe Clifford

For the unparalleled moral nuance and psychological stakes enforced on its protagonist. Perhaps the best and most original third volume in any series.

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The Open Curtain, by Brian Evenson

For bending the rules of genre fiction several times in the midst of the same, continuing story, creating something new and completely unpredictable.

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Entropy in Bloom, by Jeremy Robert Johnson

For reviving the peculiar interest of anthology series and giving the short story format a new and exciting direction to go in. 

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The Summer that Melted Everything, by Tiffany McDaniel

For testing and confronting the beliefs of 21st century readers with a novel that demands perspective and empathy.

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Darktown, by Thomas Mullen

For doing revisionism right and exploring both sides of the racial conflict in America with surprising objectivity and thoroughness, while keeping it grounded in a riveting narrative.

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What We Reckon, by Eryk Pruitt

For blurring the line between truth and lies, smart and dumb, religion and scam, and creating a riveting narrative where all boundaries are muddled.

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Human Trees, by Matthew Revert

For innovating both on the form and content with an allegory for rebirth of enthralling boldness and beauty.

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Harsh Recovery, by Iain Ryan

For imbuing an over-the-top hardboiled narrative with bits and pieces of mythology and for its absolute mastery of minimalism.



* This book hasn't been reviewed on the site, yet. I am waiting to complete the series, which I believe has six or twelve volumes.

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