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Choose the Next Movie I'll Watch...May Edition

Choose the Next Movie I'll Watch...May Edition

Sorry I've been a little late. Last month turned out to be a little complicated so I wanted to fix things before calling in another vote. But it's that time of the month again: vote for the movie you want me to review in May. Vote stays opened until Friday, May 26 where I will randomly pick a winner just like I do for books and will review the thing next week before the month ends. I experimented with a different voting system last month but it yielded two winners so I decided to change to a random draw to avoid having like, 5 winners for a single month or something. If you're curious to read the results of April's vote, I invite you to read the reviews here:

Sorcerer (April)

Black Dynamite (April)

So, here are the rules. 

1) Multiple Entries are accepted AND encouraged. Try to limit yourself at five, though. So that it remains fair for everybody.

2) Try and stick to whatever title you'd like my opinion on. Whether it's an author you love, hate or are on the fence about reading. I keep myself a discretionary right of disregarding suggestions I believe wouldn't be enjoyed by anyone except the person suggesting (i.e. some sickening internet video).

3) Only ONE voting channel now, guys. PLEASE vote on the Facebook post, so I can have all the suggestions in the same place for Woobox. I'll place the link to it in the comment section, so you guys only have to click through to get to it.

4) New month, new list. If you want to suggest the same book than last month, re-enter it under this post. If there isn't an existing review of it, I'm opened to reading it.

5) Super rare movies MIGHT get dismissed if I cannot find a copy in time. 

6) No television series or movie I've already reviewed. 

I will draw the winner on May 26 via Facebook Live AND will review either on May 30th or May 31st. Give me your best shot, guys. I want at least twenty suggestions this month!

Movie Review : Small Crimes (2017)

Movie Review : Small Crimes (2017)

Book Review : Stephen King - The Dark Tower (1982)

Book Review : Stephen King - The Dark Tower (1982)