Oh hello...
...bystanders, onlookers and the very few followers of mine. In my ever evolving effort to make freelance writing more fun for its practitionners, I came to an idea. Let's regroup. Let's form a community and expand each other's audience with your own. It's simple. We share links, hotlink articles from each other so whoever is on someone's site will be invited to see the other.
I'm not looking for scammers here. I'm looking for people interested to share blog content in order to create a group dynamic in the freelance writers community. No one is doing it for money anyway. Let's stop being just bloggers and assume ourselves as writers. Because that's what we do, write. You have to have a blog or any kind of web site in order to contribute. I'm not looking for volunteers here. I'm looking for:
-any kind of pissed off people that have a unique view on the world.
Whoever is interested to join the community can join me at:
...so we can exchange contact info and primary links,
Benoit Lelievre