What are you looking for, homie?

Dead End Follies Awards - Nominees For Best Crime Novel

Sometimes, crime fiction is just about cops and robbers, but sometimes it's about more than that. It's easy to portrait a witty and seducing criminal, but it's another ball game to explain how they got there. For somebody to peacefully indulge in violence and theft, a world of wounds and scars separates him from the normal, storyless people. This category rewards the novel that portrayed the most difficult and visceral protagonists and the million and one roads they take to the bottom. Crime doesn't pay? That's bullshit. But crime isn't fun. At least, its not supposed to be ON the page. Here are the nominees...

Richard Price for Clockers

Anthony Neil Smith for Hogdoggin'

Duane Swierczynski for Fun & Games

Dashiell Hammett for Red Harvest

Have you read any of those? Who do you think shoudl win?

Dead End Follies Awards - Nominees for Best Literary Novel

Spinetingler Magazine has a New Film Reviewer