What are you looking for, homie?

Analyzing Sarkozy Was There...

Nicolas Sarkozy is the president of France. He's also (/editorial comment) a pushover, more concerned by his image is magazine than his own country. In a crazy (and very stupid) (and very right wing) attempt at feeding this baby-faced democratic savior buzz, in November of 2009, the one who's call "Sarko" by the cool and the connected tagged himself in a Facebook picture. That picture was him, hacking away at the Berlin wall (see post display picture upwards). Problem? He was never there. A blogger uncovered his prick move by pointing out that the dates didn't add up. At the date Sarkozy gave, the wall was down already. He later said it was a mistake, that he mixed up the dates. But come on, what kind of president doesn't get this double checked? A president that's obsessed with his image, that's who. He wanted that picture out so bad that he put it on the net without asking anyone.

And the internet is an unforgiving bunch. In order to take the best piss possible at their president, the french have launched Nicolasyetait.com, where the point is to upload your best photoshop of Sarkozy during historical events. This is pretty fuckin' funny. It was brought to my attention in Cracked's article: 6 Insane Foreign Memes That Puts Locals To Shame..and it held it's promises. Here's a few good ones.

"Sarko", during one of the most crucial events of American History.

Prior to his presidential term...

His earlier years, where he worked in that obscure software company...

Why is it so funny?: If you're a joke, you can't escape your fate...unless you run a dictatorship (I'm looking at you Kim-Boy). Sarkozy tried so hard to be relevant that he shot himself in the foot with his own vanity. Not happy to have been outwitted by Poutine and Medvedev on the Georgian question (he convinced them not to attack, but as soon as he was on the plane out, they did) and to make the cover of stupid magazines, he had take it a step too far.

A part of the appeal of "Sarkozy Was There" meme is its poetic justice. The man lied to the world. He tried to give himself an importance and a relevance he doesn't have. When the Berlin wall fell down he was probably studying politics in Paris or having sex in Ibiza. The internet is a great tool of anonymous democracy and it got so big that it's out of control. If a politician did coke and whores in his youth, I can understand it stays undisclosed. But don't go into dellusional forgery, Idi Amin Dada style. And please, may this be a word of warning to the presidents of the future...


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